Luxury Residence Rug

Luxury Residence Rug

For this high-end residence the client wanted something luxurious and with a hand knotted feel, but a bit more cost effective. Enter Christopher Fareed's Petaurus B rug in a hand tufted construction. While a lower cost than hand knotted, this rug did not lose any luxuriousness or quality by switching to a different construction. The designer custom colored the rug in a monochromatic palette to perfectly compliment the client's room and furniture, and opted for high/low details to highlight the rug's design. Woven with high quality New Zealand wool, the designer also introduced silk accents to the rug to add another layer of luxury and maintain the rug's original hand knotted feel. Elegant, modern, and beautiful!

Product Featured: Luxury Residential Hand Tufted Rug
Design Featured:  Custom Petaurus B Luxury Residential Hand Tufted Rug by Christopher Fareed

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