Luxury Residence Rugs

Luxury Residence Rugs

For this modern and eclectic interior, the client was looking for something very high-end and luxurious, but also unique. They wanted a rug that was unexpected, employing bold colors and odd shapes. We started with Christopher Fareed's "Undover" rug as a base and worked side-by-side with the client to customize from there, creating two beautiful custom pieces tailored specifically to their aesthetic. Both rugs were inspired by geodes and rock formations, and employ wool and silk accents, and high/low details to accentuate the designs. These hand knotted rugs are the perfect centerpiece and are just the finishing touch this room needed. Gorgeous!

Product Featured: Luxury Residential Hand Knotted Rugs
Design Featured:  Custom Design and Custom Undover Luxury Residential Hand Knotted Rugs by Christopher Fareed

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