Luxury Mall Rugs

Luxury Mall Rugs

This gorgeous and inspired design is the perfect rug to accentuate the seating areas of this luxury mall in Connecticut. Bright and bold, this rug is sure to draw eyes.

Keeping with the nautical motifs, the Kuan B rug features the white silhouette of fan coral against vivid red and orange backgrounds. We love it nature-inspired designs compliment each other in an organic way.

The red version of this design was used in two seating areas, paired with red leather chairs and white lighting fixtures. The red and white tones create an inviting and sophisticated atmosphere.

The orange version of this striking design lends itself to a uniquely shaped seating area, providing a stimulating experience. This 8-sided rug was over 31 feet long, bringing a unique design challenge that we successfully navigated.

Product Featured: Commercial Ultra Dense Hand Tufted Rug
Design Featured:  Kuan B Custom Commercial Ultra Dense Hand Tufted Rug by Christopher Fareed

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